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Kain Sarung Bangkuru Bira

Kain Sarung Bangkuru Bira
(Kain Sarong Bangkuru Bira)

Dikutip dari, pada 7 September 2010

Kain Sarong Bangkuru Bira, Bulukumba has become a symbol of victory homelands, but caused of the lack of market system and competition also inadequate facilities for making this sarong as "part of history."

These sarong also have their own history in the genealogy community Bira Bulukumba.
Starting from the history that is closely associated with the delivery at the first call. Where is the system of inter-island trade, particularly for sarong Bangkuru Bira.

In ancient times, people who live in Bira was mostly sailors who had to migrate to the sea to the land of Java, where in the social development of life has been able to change the economic system of society in Bira.

Based on historical note, every time Bira people wandered out of the area, they almost certainly carry 'Sarong Bangkuru' in preparation for overseas which sometimes takes a long time.

Uniqueness is sarong Bangkuru Bira is resilient and not easily fades with any influence. This tribe, known as one of the producer of the first sarong in Indonesia. This cotton yarn knitted made from the results of which are designed by skilled hands.

Sarong made with traditional tools still used by a party of the people in this area. Barriers to sarong maker at Bira currently is the lack of marketing system and knowledge.

With the emergence of various sarong products variety of modern styles, which supply most of the sarong wholesalers from other regions, such as Java, Kalimantan and others, indirectly affect the market movements of sarong Bira tradition.

Wholesale of sarong market so that this becomes thin market, combined with less of government awareness in helping develop the potential of these sarongs, the more they slumped in developing its operation.

When examined carefully, the market, the current sarong has interference from the outside supply sarong. Automatically, the quality is questionable, the results are rarely impressed knitting yarns and colors quickly fade.

Also, the sarong come from the outside is processed by technology or plant that looks shabby, easily torn and there are many more differences that inevitably will harm consumers.

Let's preserve culture of Kain Sarong Bangkuru Bira!!

Posted by WISMA 57
Labels: Art , Culture , Glance

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